AC DC Power Supply

How AC DC Power Supply Works: A Technical Overview?

Power supplies are electrical units, designed to convert the current coming from the main power source. Their main goal is to deliver power with proper current and voltage. Power supply products provide the current in a more controlled way. They are often used as external units, such as phone chargers.

How do AC-DC power converters work?

Power supplies are available in unregulated and regulated conditions. The input voltage fluctuations in the regulated power converters will not influence the output. On the contrary, the output of the unregulated power converters depends on the input’s variations.

The common feature of power supplies is that they receive power from the main source. They convert the current and send it to the output. The input and output power are AC or DC.

The flow of the current in a consistent direction leads to direct current. It comes from solar cells, batteries, and AC/DC power converters. Most electronic gadgets run with DC. On the contrary, an alternating current is produced when the electric power occasionally inverts its direction.

So, if your house receives AC power and your phone needs DC, you should buy an AC/DC power converter to transform the voltage.

The conversion process conducted by an AC-to-DC power converter involves some steps-


The main function of your power supply is rectification, which converts AC power to pulsating DC. Diodes used to achieve this allow the current to pass in a single direction.


The rectification process results in the formation of a pulsating DC voltage. As this output is not effective for most applications, it needs filtering to reduce the fluctuations. Manufacturers use capacitors to filter the DC output.


Voltage regulators maintain stability in DC output and ensure a consistent output voltage for various load conditions and input variations.

How do linear and switching power supplies work?

Both the switching mode and linear power converters provide a stable DC. Direct current is used for an electronic device’s circuit. As every gadget and internal circuit needs various voltages, a DC source is the right choice.

The linear power converter has a transformer that consists of a coil and an iron core to minimize the voltage. On the contrary, the diode rectifies the voltage for the electronic device.

The switching power converters involve rectification before regulating the voltage. A chopper lets you convert the input voltage to a high-frequency output. 

Why should you convert AC to DC?

Converting AC power to DC is essential in many circumstances. Power conversion is important when you run electronic devices. Power converters act as the power supply circuits for many household appliances, such as washing machines and vacuum cleaners.

Most batteries store a high amount of energy as DC and are useful for different electric devices. With AC to DC power conversion, you can charge the battery effectively.

In solar panels and renewable energy systems, the generated power is in the DC form. They need an inverter to transform DC into AC for household applications.

Many electronic sensors need a DC supply for operations. So, they need AC/DC power converters to ensure safe operation.

AC-DC converters types and their features

As AC to DC converters are available in different categories, each has distinct characteristics.

  • Uncontrolled rectifiers use diodes to supply a fixed output depending on the AC input. They are affordable and simple but have no regulation over the output.
  • Controlled rectifiers need thyristors to control the output voltage by managing the AC input.
  • Full-wave rectifiers use more than one diode to transform a part of the AC cycle into a DC current.
  • Half-wave rectifiers need a single diode to convert half of the alternating current cycle into DC.


Electronic devices are used for various purposes. AC to DC power supplies play a vital role in maintaining the normal functioning of the device. They will bridge between the DC and AC power supplies to run your device. Understanding the types and functionality of power supplies helps you make the right decisions. It also ensures the longevity and efficiency of your electronic gadgets. You may choose switch-mode or linear power supplies after comparing their features. Based on the application, you can pick the right type of power converter.

At SMX Power, we provide a variety of AC and DC power supply products to meet your specific needs. Get in touch with us today to explore your options and find the right solution for your power supply needs.
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